ESL, pradinis lygis

Dialogue Practice: Going out for Lunch (1)

Waiter: Hi. Are you ready to .........?
Woman: Yes, I want a roast beef sandwich and a ........., please.
Waiter: Sure, do you want fries or a fresh, green ......... with your sandwich?
Woman: Fries, please. And I also want a ......... to start with. It's cold out there today and I want a nice broth to warm me up.
Waiter: Sure. Our soup of the ......... is beef consomme. Would you like that?
Woman: Yes, that sounds great. And, in addition to the soda, I would also like a glass of ........., please.
Waiter: Sure, no .......... And what can I get for you, sir?
Man: I would like the steak sandwich and I'll ......... the salad with that.Waiter: OK. How would you like your steak?
Man: I would like it medium-........., please.
Waiter: What kind of ......... would you like with your salad?Man: I'll take French, please.Waiter: Sure. I'll be back with your order shortly.