TOEIC, žodis pagal reikšmę


v. to make a detailed list of property; to summarize; to sum up the worth of
v. to create a timetable; to enter into a timetable; to plan for a certain date
v. to obtain; to protect; to defend; to strengthen
v. to request the presence of; to solicit; to attract; to encourage; to promote
v. to narrate; to tell; to make a connection between; to have a good relationship with
v. to record; to order in advance; to inscribe; to indicate
v. to expend money or effort for future benefits; to grant; to install; to cover; to authorize
v. to bargain; to deal; to work out; to compromise; to clear or pass an obstacle
v. to travel in a car; to transport in a vehicle; to compel
v. to explain; to clarify; to describe; to depict