English Lesson - 6 Ways to Say, "I'm angry!"


So one of the things that you want to learn to be able to express in English is your emotions,

and in today’s English lesson were going to look at the emotion of anger.

I’m actually angry with myself right now because I wanted to use my tractor today to

cut some hay but when I went to start it I found out that the battery is dead.

So I have the charger hooked up, but I am angry with myself because I should have tried

to start my tractor yesterday, just to make sure everything was working.

But I thought, since I need to wait a few hours for the battery to charge, I should

make a video to help you learn a few more ways to express the emotion of anger in English.


Bob the Canadian here.

Welcome to this video where I’m going to help you learn a few more ways to express

the emotion of anger in English.

But before we get started, if this is your first time here don’t forget to click the

red subscribe button below, and give me a thumbs up at some point during this video

if it is helping you learn English.

So the first and simplest way to express that you are feeling the emotion of anger in English

is to simply say, “I am angry.”

That is a complete sentence, and it clearly expresses that you are feeling the emotion

of anger.

But you also may be angry with someone.

So we add the wordwithafter the wordangryto indicate who we are angry with.

So this morning I was angry with myself because I did not charge the battery in my tractor.

I might also have been angry with my brother if he was the last person who used my tractor

and forgot to tell me that the battery might be going dead.

So we say, “I am angry.”, or you can say, “I am angry with…”, and then the person

that you are angry with.

A second way to express the emotion of anger in English is to say, “I am annoyed.”

When you are annoyed youre just a little bit angry.

Youre just a little bit angry with someone for something that they did.

Let’s think of an example.

Maybe you have a couple of good friends and you find out that they went to a concert the

week before and they didn’t invite you.

In that situation you would most likely say, “I am annoyed.”

And it works the same way as the word angry.

You might be annoyed with your friends.

So you could say, “I am annoyed with my friends because they went and did something

fun and they didn’t invite me along.”

So a second way to express the emotion of anger is to say, “I am annoyed.”, or to

say, “I am annoyed with someone.”

A third way to express anger in English is to say, “I am ticked.”, or, “I am ticked


They mean the same thing and they can be used interchangeably.

Let’s think of an example though where I would say that I’m ticked or that I am ticked


Maybe I ordered an expensive camera and it came and I love it and it was $900.

And then two weeks later that same camera goes on sale for $700.

In that situation I might express my anger by saying, “I’m ticked.

I’m ticked because the camera I bought for $900 is now on sale for $700.”

And you could say I’m ticked off.

“I’m ticked off.

I’m ticked off because the camera I bought for $900 is now on sale for $700.”

So a third way to express anger in English is to say, “I’m ticked.”, or “I’m

ticked off.”

So a fourth way to express anger in English is to say, “I’m pissed.”, or “I’m

pissed off.”

But you need to be careful because the saying, “I’m pissed.”, in English can also mean

that you went out and you had too many alcoholic beverages, that you drank too much, and youre

a little bit drunk.

So I’m pissed can mean that youre a little bit drunk or that you are angry.

It has two different meanings.

But you might have a situation where your boss tells you that you have to work next

Monday and Tuesday and you were going to take those days off for a holiday.

You might respond to that situation by saying

“I’m pissed.

Originally I had Monday and Tuesday off and I planned a small holiday, but now I have

to work.”

You might say, “I’m pissed off because I had Monday and Tuesday as days where I didn’t

need to work and now my boss told me that I have to work.”

So, a fourth way to say that you are angry in English is to say, “I’m pissed.”,

or “I’m pissed off.”

But again be careful.

You might wanna usepissed offall the time instead ofpissedbecause the first

one can mean that you have had too much to drink.

And also this phrase is very informal.

You would only use this phrase with family and friends when having a casual conversation.

Both of them.

“I’m pissed.”, and, “I’m pissed off.”

So that’s another way to express that you are angry in English.

A fifth and a very common way to express anger in English is to use, “mad”.

“I am mad”, or, “I am mad at...”

Notice when we expressed anger with the word angry we said, “I am angry with…”, so

we put the wordwithafter the wordangry”.

But when we usemad”, we are mad at someone.

So let's imagine that your sister borrowed your car and she got in a car accident.

There is a very good chance that you would say, “I am mad at my sister because she

smashed up my car.”

So we use the wordmadand we use the wordat”.

You might hear variations of this but the most correct way to use angry and mad is to

say, “I am angry with my sister…”, and, “I am mad at sister…”

Notice the difference there.

So another way, a fifth way, to express that you are angry in English is to use the word

mad”, and to use sentences like, “I am mad at my sister.”, or, “I am still

mad at myself, because my tractor won’t start.”

So mad is another way to express the feeling, the emotion, of anger in English.

So a sixth way to express anger in English is to say, “I am furious!”

When you are furious you are really, really mad.

You are really, really angry.

When you are furious that is about as angry as you can get.

So let’s imagine a situation where you might be furious.

Let’s think about maybe one day you walk out of your house and you notice that your

car is gone, and you realize that it has been stolen.

In that situation you would be furious.

You would be so angry that someone has taken your car.

So when something really bad happens that would make you angry, saying, “I am furious!”,

is a great way to express that anger.

“I am furious!”

So if we think about anger here, anger, being mad, furious is like way up here.

I am furious!

I thought I should go try and start my tractor cause some of you are probably wondering if

it actually started.

It’s a couple hours later.

Let’s see if itll start.

Well, hey, that was 6 ways to express the emotion of anger in English.

There are more ways, obviously, to express anger, but these are probably 6 of the most

common ways.

I hope you enjoyed this video.

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enjoyed this video, and I hope it helped you learn just a little bit more English, and

I’ll see you in the next video!