Stop asking the question - HOW ARE YOU? Learn10 Stylish Greetings in English.


Hey everybody, welcome back to Let's Talk. This is me Meera your trainer for the day.

Well today I have got something for you which is here for a reason, I'll tell you why. A

few days ago we did a lesson where we spoke about and we understood how to answer, "How

are you?" in different ways. So instead of saying, "I'm fine, thank you." what all can

you say and thank you to all of you I got a great love and great support for the video

and I went through your comments, so don't blame me that I don't. This video and this

topic was highly requested on that video which is basically how to ask, "How are you?" in

different ways. In case if you haven't seen that video there will be a link somewhere

right up here so you can go through that but let's see what is in store for today. Without

further ado let's begin, alright, so different ways to ask and say, "How are you?" of course

a term that we use and a question that we use on a daily basis but there are times when

we're in a great mood and we need to ask it in a very different way, in a quirky way probably

being naughty or being fun, being informal with a friend and that is why you can ask

it in so many different ways can you believe it? Well let's get started, okay the first

one is, "Hola! What’s new?" now you would say if I'm saying hola, why is there an H

there when H is silent and hola is basically a Spanish word to say, "Hey" or "Hi". So you

can start with "Hola! What’s new?" I'll tell you what, I really, really, really like

and adore people who can speak in different languages. Maybe you cannot speak different

languages but you can always learn new words such as 'hi', 'how are you?', 'thank you',

'I'm sorry' or maybe 'have a good day' and you can actually use it in your daily life.

"Hola! What’s new?" that means I'm asking you, "Hey! What’s new with you?" and you

would be equally excited to answer instead of me just asking you, "Hey! How are you?"

"Hola! What’s new?" is so much more exciting, right? Well quickly moving on to the next

one, "Howdy-doody?" now this particular question is a very cowboyish way to ask someone "How

are you?" and of course it's informal but it's fine to be informal sometimes. Well you

can use it with your friends and your family, right? Well you can type it in a message or

record a voice message and send it to someone 'howdy-doody' is basically nothing but, "how

are you doing?" right? And it's a little short, sweet and so much more fun to answer 'howdy-doody'

right? Okay, moving on to "what on earth are you up to?" Don't you have friends who suddenly

vanish out of nowhere? One day you're just messaging them, one day you're like let's

make a plan, let's go for coffee and they're gone for a week, right? And you're thinking

to yourself 'what on earth is this person up to?' Well there you go, that's how you

can ask someone 'how are you doing?' when you can directly ask them 'what on earth are

you up to?' which means tell me what have you been doing and what is happening with

you that you suddenly vanished in the air, right? That's another way to ask 'how are

you?' in general, right? Moving on 'what new ideas are giving you energy?' Well now this

one can also be a very formal in a formal conversation as well as informal conversation.

It's a different, you're just being creative, even in a formal environment where, 'what

new ideas are giving you energy?' Don't you have people in your office and probably in

your college who are really hard-working? People and are always smiling and they're

there's something on their mind, right? So these are the people, these are the people

you can always ask, "Hey what ideas are giving you energy?" Like why are you so energetic

all the time? That there's definitely an idea in his or her head that's giving them that

energy. So go ahead guys, ask people who are that energetic that, 'hey what new ideas are

giving you so much energy?' So people could say you know what, "I started this great workout."

You know what I've started this Zumba class. Do you know what I've started a new business,

right? So a great and creative question will always give you an amazing and much more creative

answer. So go ahead and ask someone this question. Well moving on, 'Bonjour Nancy, good to see

you' well now you will ask me why is there no question mark out there? But guess what,

'Bonjour' itself, now this is another French word like I said I really love using different

languages when I talk to people and I take, I take a lot of effort in learning. Well 'Bonjour'

means 'hi' or 'hello' in French. Well this was Spanish and this is French and Nancy is

a name, okay? So when you ask Bonjour you're basically asking and saying, 'hi! How are

you?’ and you're adding the word Nancy to it and then you're just pleasantly smiling

and saying, "good to see you Nancy" and it is such a sweet way of greeting someone. Now

again this can also be formal, using a different language at a workplace is not that big a

problem. So go ahead and use different languages in your conversations of course something

that is much more commonly used and understood. Okay, moving on to "what's cookin' good looking"

I know, I know you are saying that hey, that's not correct grammar the spelling is not complete

as well but guess what you don't always have to be formally asking anyone 'how are you

doing?' and that is exactly what this lesson is for, right? I know, so "what's cookin'

good looking" is a very, very stylish, a very informal way of talking to your friends and

asking your friends and family of what's happening well sometimes you can also mean it when you

probably have a crush on someone but other than that you're asking someone what's cookin

as in what's happening okay? So "what's cookin?" as in "what's happening?" and good looking

is nothing but a sweet compliment which, which anyone would feel good about, right? So go

ahead and ask someone at a party or probably your college but remember to be very, very

subtle. Don't be all creepy and ask someone, "What's cookin, good looking?" you might just

get slapped, don't do that, right? So be nice and you this question only when you ask it

with a nice smile and moving on from here we have "what are you up to these days?" Well

this is very simple a very basic question but when you ask this question some people

might feel that you're actually interested in knowing something from them and you're

not just asking for the sake of it, for the heck of it and sometimes it is more believable,

when you ask "what are you up to these days?" right? So they can tell you, so right from

their work to probably their personal lives they can share so much with you, right? So

you can always ask, "What are you up to these days?" which means they will end up answering

about their lives maybe the movies that they have seen, maybe a hotel that they recently

visited and had food and then you can continue the conversation from there on, okay? Quickly

moving on, "what's the excitement about?" again you are going to find hyper energetic

and hyper excited people around you and they could be your friends or your acquaintances,

right? So you can always ask them, "Hey, what's the excitement about?" You know why, that

means why are you so happy? What's the smile about? Why are you so sparkling and why are

you so jumping around everywhere? Well they would end up telling you properly that you

know what, "I'm so excited for this movie" it could be as simple as that or it could

be that they're going on a trip very soon or maybe Christmas is coming or maybe winter

is coming the excitement could be for anything but when you ask a creative question you get

a creative answer and that's why you can ask this question guys. Quickly moving on, "why

the glow? Well, you can add a lot of adjectives to this word so you can ask, 'why the glow?'

'Why the smile?' 'Why the smirk?' 'Why the face?, right? So isn't that a short form what

you use in your WhatsApp messages? But 'why the glow' as in you could actually find some

people smiling for no reason sometimes or just being happy for no reason. It could be

anything I mean, for real they could be in love. But you can always be the sweet person

and ask them, 'why the glow?' So it could be anything, right? What do you think, why

do you glow sometimes? Just because you're smiling, right? So you can always replace

the word glow with smile or smile with glow and you can make your boring question so much

more interesting by just asking it in such a short and a simple way. Well moving on from

there we have the last line for today and the last question for today which is, 'looks

like a good tan where have you been?' so again another grammatical way of asking where have,

where plus have, 'where have you been' a good tan is basically a different color on skin,

right? Usually when do people get a tan? People get a tan when they go and they're probably

relaxing on a beach one day or for two days and they have a nice tan on their skin I really

liked a tan skin to you? Well you can ask someone whenever you see your tan that, "hey

I can see your tan I'm sure you have been relaxing on a beach on a weekend." "So how

was your weekend?" this is what you actually want to ask, right? But you can ask it in

a very different fashion which means, 'looks like a good tan' probably you can wink if

that person is your good friend not if that person is not your friend because that would

be creepy and "Where have you been?" and then you would get to know that have they been

on to a beach? Have they been relaxing? And what has been happening and just like that

you can start a great conversation where you can share how was your weekend as well, right?

So this is my lesson on how to ask, "How are you?" in different ways just so that the conversation

is more exciting and so much more creative. Now if you guys have liked any of the any

of this, go ahead and comment below I would be watching your comments and looking at your

comments. Well that's all for today guys make sure that you practice keep smiling spread

a lot of love this is me Meera signing off for the day guys, ciao!