Don't Say Same To You | Learn 15 Better Responses For Wishes & Greetings In Spoken English


So many festivals come and goSo many times of the year we have so many festivals when

people are wishing us, “hey, happy this…”, “hey, happy that…” People are complimenting,

us people are greeting us and in such a situation when somebody greets us or compliments us

first we end up saying, “same to you”. This is what today's lesson is about, hi everyone

my name is Hridhaan, in this lesson we will understand why do people usesame to you

and how same to you can be replaced with other phrases, interesting phrases that we have in English language.

When somebody compliments you and greets you such as if somebody says,

have a great day”, people end up saying, ‘same to youand I think it has become

quite boring in our world today because everybody has to say the same thing, not only that you

do you actually sound uninterested in the conversation. Besides that what we need to

do is use some very interesting phrases, for example the first phrase that we have in the

lesson today is, “back at you”. What isback at you’? Imagine somebody says,

‘a happy new year’, you end up saying, ‘back at you’. That means I have the same

wishes for you. This is one phrase that is really interesting. Don't you think that same

to you in comparison with back at you is so not right? So I think you should use back

at you. The next one in the list is, “right back at you, have a great dayIf somebody

is wishing you for a day that hey man, have a great day ahead, you end up saying to that

person, “right back at youthat means I exactly feel the same for you and I hope

that you also end up having what you have wished me and that is right back at you, straight

in the direction of you, sending you all the positivity. This is right back at you which

you can use in replacement of same to you. The next one in the list is, “you stole

my greetings”. Probably what the person said is what you wanted to say as well as

a compliment or a greeting for New Year or any other festival. For example, ‘happy

Holiorhappy Diwalithen in that situation you can say, “you stole my greetings”,

I wish the same for you as well, may you have a happy festival. And it's a good idea you

say it with a bright smile, because that's very, very important as it is a very sweet

phrase. The next one that we have in the list is, “wow I don't know what to say, you two

have the same time”. Probably you're going on a vacation and the person who knows you,

who knows the fact that you're going on a vacation, is a wishing and has given to you

amazing wishes for having a good time on the vacation. So you feel emotional and you end

up saying to the person, “I don't know what to say, thank you very much, I hope wherever

you go on the vacation you too have the same time.” So the most important one here is,

‘I don't know what to say…’ that means you're just startled. Startled means that

you're just so, you're surprised and you're so emotionally happy for what the person has

wished for you. Imagine that you have a very important conference and your friend calls

up especially to tell you that you're going to do great and you end up saying, ‘wow,

I don't know what to say, thanks for the motivation.’ The next one is, “the feeling is mutual”.

For example if the person, you went on a coffee with that person and that person sayshey,

it was really nice meeting you’, in such a situation what do you end up saying to that

person? If you think that you have the same feeling it is a very nice phrase that you

can use, let's say on a WhatsApp message, you can just simply write, notsame to

youbut you can say, ‘the feeling is mutualthat means I have the same feeling

as what you have expressed about our meeting, very nice phrase. The next one in the list

isditto! Have an awesome holiday”. If you're going on vacation and the person ends

up saying, have an awesome holiday and that person again is going on a holiday you say,

dittothat meanssame to same’, whatever you have wished me goes to you as

well, that means absolutely same, if you're saying have an awesome holiday, I end up saying,

ditto, you too have an awesome holiday as well.” I thinkdittois an amazing

replacement forsame to you’, so end up sayingdittoplease in your daily

life. Next one isappreciate that, thanks a ton”. I think it's a very nice and polite

way of saying same to same. That means you appreciate, you respect the fact that the

person took time to compliment you or to greet you, for example if the person said, “hey,

I think you look really good todaythen you say, notsame to youin that, if

the person is not looking like that, you can just simply say, “I appreciate that”,

that means I really respect and recognize the fact, acknowledged the fact that you have

taken time to wish me andthanks a lot’, just the normal thanks would do as well. Come

on, let's look at the next one, the next one is, “same applies to youas well, that

means whatever you have said to me, absolutely same assame to youwhatever you have

said to me, it goes exactly in the same manner to you as well. For example if somebody says,

you delivered a very nice presentationand there were a lot of other colleagues who

delivered presentations that day, the person ends up saying not same to you, but same applies

to you as well. Let's look at the last one on the slide and that is, “I wish the same

to you”. Quite nice and formal way of speaking English when it comes to sayingsame to

you’. For example if a colleague messages you on a festival let's say Diwali, and the

colleague says, “Happy New Year, wishing you all the best for the year coming ahead”,

you can say, ‘I wish the same to you too thank you very muchthe next one in the

list islikewise manorlikewise girl”. Now man and girl are quite informal

phrases you can change it with whatever you have to say, may be the name of a person,

you can saylikewise Hridhaan”, for that matter. For example, if somebody says, “hey,

I think I had a wonderful time with you on our holidaythen you can say, “likewise

manorlikewise girl”, which means I think I've had the same equal pleasure of

spending that beautiful time with you, so that islikewise manorlikewise

girl’. Let's look at some more in the list, the next one is, “that's the best I could

get for the day, hoping alike for you too”. Imagine there are two people who are going

on for an interview and is the first interview of their life, right after college and one

of the friends says to the other, “hey I wish you'd you definitely crack this interview

you definitely get the seat on this job, so the person says, the person becomes emotional

and the person says, “that's the best I could get for the day hoping alike for you

too”, that means this is the best thing that somebody could say to me on this very

day because it's one of the most important days of my life and I hope you get the same

thing as well, ‘I hope the same’, ‘alikemeanssamefor you. Let's now look at

the next one, the next one is, “aren't you the sweetest?” it's very sweet, it's a very

sweet phrase of actually responding to a compliment or a greeting. Instead of saying, ‘same

to you’, ‘same to youall the time, you can just simply tell the person, appreciate

how sweet it is on the person's part to take time out to probably greet you on something

or compliment you on something. So we end up saying, “aren't you the sweetest?”

Aren’t you the sweetest, thank you very, very much’. This was about, ‘aren't you

the sweetest’. Next one isah! Loved to hear that, you are you are quadruple times

more”. For example if somebody says, “hey, you are looking great today.” You can say,

Ah! Loved to hear that,” it was very important because you did take a lot of efforts

in getting ready for the day and you actually add another very interesting thing to the

response you say, “you are quadruple times more”. ‘Quadruplemeans you're looking

four timesmore beautiful, four times more of anything that you have to talk about.

You can just simply say, ‘you're quadruple times more gorgeous’, ‘you're quadruple

times…’, ‘sending you good luck quadruple times more’, that means four times more.

This is a very interesting one that I like to use personally. Let's look at the last

one in the list and that is, “Y’huh! I wish the best for you too”. So the person

is saying, ‘hey, all the best for your future endeavoursand you're saying, “Y’huh!

All the best for you too”, ‘I wish the best for you too’. This was all about using

same to youin many other different ways. I hope you enjoyed this lesson and also

remember to use these phrases in your daily lives or on WhatsApp or spoken communication

when it comes to speaking English fluently. Thank you very much for being with me and

have a great day ahead.