ENGLISH GRAMMAR | 8 things you didn't know about GET (an essential verb!)


Let's look at GET! It's such a small verb but it's so important.

I'm Arnel from Arnel's Everyday English and today I'm going to

teach you how to use: Get. First, get is an irregular verb. Get. Got. In American

English that verb number 3 is: Gotten. But in British English it's: Got. Get, got,

gotten. Get, got, got. Ok, big question: I got, I've got, I have. Right, first I can tell you

I got is incorrect. But, many people do say it so you will hear it in movies and

on TV. I've got and I have they, both mean

possession. I've got an older sister. I have an older sister. They both mean the

same thing. So what's the difference? There's just one mini difference. I've

got is more informal, that's it. It's more natural in spoken English and you can

say: I have, is just a little bit more formal. So be aware of this difference.

Get can mean, receive. I got some new shoes for my birthday.

I got some wonderful coffee from a friend of mine. I got an award for bravery. Last

week I got a promotion, I received a promotion, finally after 10

years! It was lovely I got a beautiful bouquet of flowers for Valentine's Day.

Get can also mean, to buy. You know what? I need to get a new pair of shoes. I need

to buy a new pair of shoes. Hh I forgot my wallet,

I can't pay. I'll get it, pay me back tomorrow. I'll get it, I'll buy it. I have

to go to the shops I need to get some milk, and bread, and chocolate.

Get plus location can also mean, arrive. I got home at around 11 p.m. When is my

bus going to get here? When is my bus going to arrive? Oh I can't believe it, I

got to work twenty minutes late and my boss was really angry so I'm really

stressed about it but, it's okay because I work extra hard during the day and

hopefully she'll understand.... So, get can mean - arrive. Get + adjective

or comparative means, become. There's a transformation. Now it's getting dark. Now

it's completely black. Now it's getting lighter. Okay.

In winter it gets cold. In summer it gets hot, it becomes there's, a transformation.

Oh wow your English is getting better! mm-hmm

I got it, I get it, did you get it? We can use get informally to mean, understand. I

didn't get that grammar, did you get it? My husband always tells jokes, I never

get them, but I still laugh - I never understand them. Okay, Pete, you can't tell

anyone this secret. Thank you. Right, we've already looked at different

ways get is used, but here is where it can get a bit confusing. Many times we

use get as part of a phrase or an idiom, and there's no real rule. Let's take a

look at a few new examples. Phrasal verb get over

definition to recover from an illness, injury, or relationship. It took me three

weeks to get over that virus, I couldn't believe it!

You have got to get over dan, you broke up six months ago, he already has a

new girlfriend!

Another phrasal verb, get by. Definition, to manage to live usually without very much.

When I was a child families used to get by on only one income. Now both parents

need to work. It's really difficult to get by on a waitress's salary. It's

difficult to manage two live. Here is an important idiom, get your foot in the

door. Definition, to start at a basic level so you have more success in the

future. Doing an internship is a great way to get your foot in the door.

There we have it, different ways you can use get! It's a very important verb,

so begin using it today. Now, I have a question for you: What did you get for

your last birthday? I'm very curious. Let me know in the comments and don't forget

to SUBSCRIBE! I'll see you very soon for another lesson.