Common Mistakes with English ADJECTIVES


Hello! I'm Emma from mmmEnglish and in this

lesson we're focusing on adjectives. But

not just any adjectives! Pairs of

adjectives that can end in either ED or

ING, because you might be a little

confused about when you can use each

type of adjective!

Lots of these english adjectives are

made by adding ED or ING to a verb. For

example, the verb 'frustrate' can become an

adjective by adding ED - 'frustrated' or ING

'frustrating'. These endings are called

suffixes and when we add them to the end

of a verb they transform our verb into

an adjective. But you need to know how to

use each of these types of adjectives

and we're going to do that right now,

right here in this lesson!

An adjective that ends in ING is used to describe the

characteristics of something the

characteristics of a person or a place

or a thing or a situation.

Adjectives that end in ED are used to describe an

emotion or a feeling and it's usually a

temporary thing something that only

people can have generally, only people

have feelings, most of the time. But some

animals can also have feelings.

But you can't use ED adjectives to describe the

feelings of a thing or of the situation

because they don't have feelings! If you

say that something or someone is boring,

they or it makes you feel bored. So, the

thing or the person that is boring is

what makes you feel bored. It bores you

OK, there's our verb! If you say that

something is exciting, it makes you feel excited.

Did you did you notice any patterns in those

examples? If you're talking about a

temporary feeling or an emotion then use

the ED form of the adjective.

If you're describing

the thing or the person that caused

those feelings, then use the ING form of

the verb. For example, that movie was strange!

Let's look at the difference again.

He's bored. So, he's not

interested in what's happening, he's not

having a good time. If he's at a party

perhaps he doesn't like the music or he

doesn't really know anyone and he's got

no one to talk to. He's bored. He feels bored.

But if you say he's boring it

means he's not an interesting person, that

you don't enjoy talking to him. He's

never got anything interesting to say.

He's boring. He makes me feel bored.

Alright, it's time to practice a little

now. I'm going to read out a few

sentences for you and I want you to try

to choose if the adjective in each

sentence is the correct adjective or not.


What do you think?

It's a "no"! Incorrect answer! I am very excited to see my sister.

It's how I feel. I'm excited. I

feel excited to see my sister.

annoying I don't understand these


The instructions are annoying. They're making

me feel annoyed.

I'm bored because i've got

nothing to do. I feel bored.

I felt so embarrassed! I felt embarrassed

when I spilt tomato sauce down my dress on a date!

I hate being the centre of attention! It was so embarrassing when

they called my name and I had to go up on stage!

It was embarrassing. The

experience was embarrassing. I felt embarrassed.

OK, I've made a worksheet for you so you can keep

practicing these adjectives after this

lesson finishes you can download it for

free right here! I want you to practice

using these adjectives when you're

speaking when you're writing and when

you're listening to other people. Listen

to how they used. I'm also going to send

you the answers to the worksheet so that

you know what you got right what you

need to improve. I hope that you enjoyed

this lesson and if you are a subscriber

to the mmmEnglish Channel, it's awesome to

see you again! If you are not a

subscriber yet then just click that red

button right there and join me for the

next lesson. You can also find me on

Facebook. You can check out some of my

other videos right here, especially this

one, my imitation lessons, which are a

really fun and easy way to practice your

English speaking skills. That's all from

me today! I'm glad you joined me and I'll

see you next time. Bye for now!