Crime and Law English Vocabulary! - IELTS Essential Vocabulary!


Good afternoon, I'm Jim newsmen today's top stories

the Prime Minister has been arrested for trespassing through a field of wheat a

Kitten in London has been jailed for murder and is awaiting trial

Dracula the fictional public domain character has been accused of robbery. He denies the charge

This puppy from Liverpool has been sentenced to eight years in prison for tax evasion in a public statement made by his lawyer

he said roof and

finally Hercules famous for his impressive strength and amazing ABS has been found guilty of drug possession and steroid use

Those stories and more coming up after today's lesson

If you commit a crime

Than you're a criminal and I or another police officer will arrest you take you to jail

Then you'll go to court for your trial

Where a jury might decide the verdict. Are you guilty or innocent?

If you're found guilty, then you'll go to prison for a long time

So like own

Don't be a criminal. It's rubbish. It's hot. It's really hot. Okay

So if you do a crime we say you commit a crime

That's the verb which collocates to crime and all of the crimes that you'll learn today first

Let's look at the violent crimes when someone is hurt or injured

So the word for hurting or injuring someone in general doesn't have to be physical. It could be emotional -

But the word is assault

You might also hear the word battery and in this case where someone is physically harmed there's a physical injury

It's actually both you can say this is assault or this is battery. That's the name of the crime

But very specifically there is a difference

Battery is when there is physical harm

That's true of assault. But if there is not physical damage not a physical injury, perhaps it's a threat

perhaps you had someone in another way with words perhaps

That is a type of assault and we're going to learn a few different types of assault in today's lesson

okay, let's say that he punches this guy and and

Without intention. He kills him. He only wanted to punch the guy he didn't want to kill him

when you kill someone without intention or perhaps

through negligence

Accidentally that has a specific name

Manslaughter it's not gender-specific. It's for both male and female manslaughter

You commit manslaughter

remember we don't say do

Manslaughter we don't say do a crime we say commit a crime in this case. He committed

It's a regular verb

Manslaughter okay with intention. Let's say you want to kill the person what's the name of that?

If you want to kill someone and you kill them the name of that crime is

Commonly it's called murder you commit murder. It's the name of the crime and

the verb he

murdered him

Again, it's a regular verb

but in law

It's called homicide in a newspaper. For example

He committed homicide because it sounds more formal in

conversation if you're talking about crimes

You would probably say he committed murder or he murdered him

The next crime is about a type of sexual assault when you force someone to have sex

in Latin languages, I

Believe your word is this or a variation of this in English?

the nearest word is violate, but that doesn't mean

To force someone to have sex that's different. That crime is called rape commit rape

So that's the name of the crime and it's the verb

That's not the only word confusion with this crime

The person who commits rape is not a raper or a rapper. No, it's

Rapist, that's the person who commits rape who rapes

The next crime involves setting fire to

places to things if you set fire to a place or a building or a thing

This crime is called

Arson the person is an

Arsonist the common mistake. I hear from students with that situation with fire

You don't say put fire on the house or put the house on fire new the verb is set

for example the sentence the arsonist set fire to

The house or he sets the building the car on fire

Two ways of saying it. Okay. The next group of crimes is about stealing taking something, which doesn't belong to you

In general when you steal when you take something, which isn't yours you commit theft

The name of the person is a thief

the thief

Commits theft of course, there are many different types of theft

for example

If you steal something from a house shop a building or a person

With a weapon or a gun some kind of force

That situation is called robbery you commit robbery

notice in this situation

He is stealing with a weapon with force with a threat. So that is called robbery

He is a a

robber and the

Verb is robbed. So a whole sentence could be he robbed the bank

If you enter a building with the intention to steal something this one is called

burglary and the person who does it is called a

burglar the verb for this is

To burgle which is a very fun word to say, but definitely don't do it. It's bad

Our next crime happens in the street in a usually a public place

When she wants to steal his money his phone and she has a knife

This verb is called

To mug she is mugging him the name of the crime

his mugging she committed a mugging and maybe you've guessed it the name of the person who does it is a

Mugger quick differences between these three for example you wake up in the morning. Your TV is missing

You were burgled someone burgled your house

Someone enters your house and they have a gun and say give me your TV you were robbed

So yet this could be he was robbed. She robbed him

It could be but more specifically in a public place in the street

This is called a mugging. She mugged him

He was mugged in the passive try to practice these with your own examples in the comments

So the next thing is maybe a more common crime that probably you've done be honest

When you steal something from a shop whether it's candy or a t-shirt or anything from a shop that is called

Shoplifting and the person is called a

Shoplifter the verb may be you've guessed it

It's to shoplift. It's a regular verb shoplift it in the past

Question for you in the comments be honest, I won't tell the police

Have you ever shoplift it you can be honest. You can tell me it's just you and me here. Tell me in the comments

What did you shoplift?

The next few crimes are about stealing a vehicle

Taking control of a vehicle from someone else

When you steal a car when you take control of that car from someone else the crime is

Carjacking when it's a plane. It's

hijacking the verb is to hijack or

carjack the person who commits that crime is a

Carjacker or a hijacker and

again, remember all of these crimes you would say you commit the crime not do the crime for example this

Person committed a hijacking not did a hijacking

If someone steals a person that crime is called

Kidnap and that's also the verb the person who commits the kidnapping is called the kidnapper

You might read or hear the expression

White-collar crime there's a TV show called white collar

What are white collar crimes? Let's have a look. The first example of a white collar crime is


This is when you steal money, which is in your care

For example you steal money from your company. That's embezzlement the verb

is to embezzle again a fun word to say only person is

an embezzler

True story. I used to teach a guy who's now in prison for embezzlement

Now taxes are annoying, but you need to pay them if you don't pay your taxes

That's called

Tax evasion. That's the name of the crime

The person who commits tax evasion is called a tax evader

The verb we would say this person

evaded tax or of course

Committed tax evasion. The next one is about lying in order to get money

You know those emails you sometimes get where they write. Hey my uncle just died

he was a millionaire and I can share that money with you if you first

Send me like a hundred dollars or whatever. Of course this person is never going to pay you. This is a crime

This crime is called fraud

That's also the name of the person who commits fraud you could say this person is a fraud

This email is a fraud

But fraud is not just for those emails

It's for anyone who lies or deceive someone in order to gain something financially or personally

a policeman stops, you says you have committed a crime and you say

Maybe just ignore the crime and I'll give you money. This crime is called

Bribery the verb is

To bribe now, there's no one word for this person who commits bribery

We don't have a word for that. So an example sentence

He bribed the policeman also, you should know that bribe is the verb and the noun

so this money is a


You could say he offered him a bribe

For example, or he took the bribe or he refused the bribe?

There's bribery happen in your city. Let me know

I mean if you've done it don't probably don't write it in the comments, but does it happen? Let me know in the comments

let's imagine, you know, someone's secret and you tell them I

Want to tell everyone but I won't say anything if you pay me lots of money

What's that called?

It's called blackmail that is also a verb so

you can commit blackmail and the person who does it is a

Blackmailer, so an example sentence could be

He blackmailed him 4 million pounds to keep his secret

Okay, you know how the Mafia will tell someone who maybe owns a shop

Pay us

Protection money and nothing bad will happen to your shop

This is a crime and this is called

Extortion when you take money from someone usually through force or a threat

So ya think the Mafia that's what they do the verb is

To extort so the Mafia is


This guy I know there's a lot of vocabulary here

But remember the best way to learn the vocabulary is by writing it down making your own


Examples which you can easily remember. So make the examples funny or crazy or silly

They're easier to remember than the boring ones. So those are big crimes

what about the small crimes the small crimes in which you might have to pay some money or

Spend a day or two in jail. Those are called

Misdemeanors, those are the smaller crimes. You might just have to pay a little money a fine


You break damage or destroy someone else's property that is called

Vandalism the verb is

To vandalize and the person who does it is

A vandal so a common argument a common debate is is graffiti

Vandalism or art are they vandals or artists? What do you think? Let me know in the comments

Living in London can be quite expensive. So my other job selling sex, this is called

Prostitution the person who does it is a

Prostitute you sometimes hear it more informally as a

Hooker in TV shows and movies most commonly and again, that's a person who sells sex

If you enter someone's property or a restricted area without permission

This crime is called

Trespassing and trespass that's the verb you probably know that the person is called a

Trespasser so yeah, true story. Our prime minister said the naughtiest thing she's ever done was trespassing

She ran through fields of wheat when she was young

She's so annoying

When a person commits a crime a police officer will put handcuffs on that person

That verb is to arrest

the police officer

arrests the criminal

Later that criminal will go to a building when they have to argue that they didn't do anything wrong

They didn't commit a crime

This guy is saying you committed a crime you did it so you are

Guilty if you're guilty you did the crime but you want to say no I didn't do this crime I am

I'm innocent. I didn't commit any crime. I didn't do anything wrong

These guys will hear your story the other side of the story. They are called

the jury they will make the decision whether you're guilty or innocent and

Also, this person will make a decision on whether you're guilty or innocent

This person controls the court. They are the judge we have a word for the decision that is made

the decision of guilty or innocent is

The verdict that's the decision and they don't say we

Decided you're guilty or innocent. They say we find you guilty or innocent

So for example a sentence could be

He was found guilty of robbery

Now, what's the punishment we can talk about the punishment?

with the word


Sentence is a verb and a noun

So an example sentence could be

And he was sentenced to eight years

Thank you for watching. Let me know about any famous crimes from your country. Who did what and what happened next

Write them in the comments. Remember to Like share and subscribe and hit the bell

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