Study and work in China with Generation UK


I came to China thinking I was going to be

completely alone,

completely lost,

not being able to speak to anyone.

I didn't know much about China

I'd read that it was developing faster

than anywhere else.

China's really energetic,

It really pulls you out of your comfort zone.

It's been a bit of a culture shock.

It was a bit scary at first.

I couldn't read the signs,

I couldn't talk to people.

I heard about Generation UK in my final year at university

and it just appealed to me

living in the country

studying a new language.

Your tuition's covered, your books are covered

your accommodation's covered.

I was really excited about the idea

of doing this programme.

I really wanted to live abroad

wanted to experience it for myself.

Once you get over the initial shock

of being in China then everything changes.

We try to use the vocab that we just learned

on the day, and a Chinese person understands

what we're saying.

It feels good.

I think the locals are pretty friendly.

Everyone's willing to try to communicate

even when you have very little Chinese.

We're such a big and tight-knit group,

We all go to lunch together.

I definitely have made friends here.

We've bonded, it's been a fun experience.

I think the more people who come out here

with Generation UK and learn Chinese the better.

I'm getting by a lot better than I expected to.

I've been able to order food.

We've been doing a lot of pointing!

The other weekend we went to Beijing.

it's been so good!

I'm very lucky to be here.

I think it's the start of a relationship with China.

I don't think you can properly understand a culture

until you learn the language,

and speak to people and live here.

Not even to be cliché, but I feel like it is a

once in a lifetime opportunity.

I think it's also made me more open to different cultures.

It breaks down the stereotypes

that each country has about each other.

If you want some excitement in your life

then this is the best thing to do.

I hope to work here.

this is a place thriving with technology businesses,

huge numbers of people going into the technology industry.

There's too many opportunities here

if you are invested in yourself

then you are definitely gonna consider something like this.

It's given me confidence and given me language skills.

it's sort of proved that you can do anything.