EnglishPod - Job Interview I


M: Hello everyone! Welcome back to EnglishPod! My name is Marco.

E: And I'm Erica.

M: And today we're bringing you another great advanced lesson for all those advanced users out there.

E: that's right, um, this is a really really useful lesson for all our advanced users.

M: Exactly, you asked for a lesson about job interviews and well, here we are, we're bringing you the first of three parts of the job interview series.

E: Alright, so, Marco, you said it is the first of three parts, um

M: Right.

E: So, tell me what are these three parts?

M: Okay, in this lesson we're gonna be looking at preparing for a job interview.

E: Okay.

M: So, everything you gotta do before the job interview.

E: Uhu.

M: Part two will be talking about your education, your background, your work experience.

E: Okay.

M: And in part three we'll take a look at some of the common questions that are asked at a job interview.

E: And so we'll talk about some great ways to answer these questions.

M: Exactly.

E: Alright, these three lessons will be conning out over the next month or so.

M: Exactly, so we're gonna be looking at part one today, so let's take a look at some vocabulary preview.

Voice: Vocabulary preview.

E: We have three words here in vocabulary preview, that you'll hear in the dialogue in a moment. And the first one is, actually, not really a word, but an acronym.

M: Right, CRM.



E: So, Marco, you are our marketing guy, tell us, what is a CRM?

M: Well, it's really common in marketing.

E: Uhu.

M: It stands for customer relationship management.

E: Okay.

M: Or customer relation management, what basically it's the relationship that the company has with its customers.

E: Okay.

M: So, CRM basically has parts like feedback or customer support, ah, problems that they might have and also information about habits and likes and dislikes from their customers or users.

E: Okay, but I… I… I commonly hear this word, ah, used as a noun, so something like, can you check in the CRM.

M: Right, there's some software out there, thatthat's called the CRM, so

E: Uhu.

M: Sugar CRM or many different softwares, which basically manages your database of customers, basically software thatthat englobes this whole thing.

E: Okay, got it, right, our next phrase in vocabulary preview, custom designed.

M: Custom designed.

E: Custom designed.

M: Custom designed.

E: So, when something is custom designed

M: It means it's a special design just for you.

E: So, it's unique.

M: Right, that's would the word custom means.

E: Unique, like made especially for one person.

M: Right. So you have custom designed or also custom made.

E: Uhu.

M: You see it a lot, for example, in cars, right? A custom made car.

E: Yes, or maybe a custom built house.

M: A custom built house.

E: Yep.

M: With your specific likes and dislikes, ???

E: Yeah, your requirements, yep.

M: Uhu. Okay, and our last word, core values.

E: Core values.

M: Core values.

E: Core values.

M: So, the core values of a companywhat a… what does the core mean, actually?

E: The center.

M: The center, right?

E: Yep. So, and here I think it's like the center or the most important.

M: The most important things that company believes in, right?

E: Right, so maybe, ah, respect for the environment.

M: Okay, or developing their employees.

E: Uhu.

M: Okay, so the core values

E: Yep.

M: Main things that the company believes in.

E: A great phrase for job interviews.

M: Oh yes, very good phrase. Okay, so why don't we listen to our dialogue? Erica, what exactly is happening?

E: Alright, we'rewe're gonna be listening to two friends, um, and this guy is getting ready to go on a job interview, so his friend is helping him to prepare.

M: Okay.


M: Alright, so he was doing great, butin the end he said something he shouldn't, right?

E: Yeah, I don't think talking about money as your primary motivation for a coming on to new company is

M: Yeah, exactly.

E: Really the way to go.

M: Yeah, and we're gonna talk about that a little bit later, but let's take a look real quick at some language takeaway.

Voice: Language takeaway.

E: Alright, in this lesson we have five key words for you from the dialogue, um, which, we hope, that you will remember.

M: Uhu. Let's take a look at the first one, undisputed.

E: Undisputed.

M: Undisputed.

E: Undisputed.

M: So, this is kind of a strange word, let's listen to some examples before we explain it.

Voice: Example one.

A: It's undisputed, that she's the best person for the job.

Voice: Example two.

B: The undisputed truth is that unemployment is rising, no one doubts that.

Voice: Example three.

C: He's the undisputed champion of the world.

E: Well, can I understand from these examples that it means, um, there's no doubt.

M: There's no doubt, exactly.

E: There's no question.

M: Okay, now let's take a look our second word, growth opportunity.

E: Growth opportunity.

M: It's a great growth opportunity.

E: Uhu, so it's an excellent chance to improve, right?

M: To improve, professionally and also on a personal side, right?

E: Yeah, so talking about growth opportunities we can also use the phrase a development opportunity.

M: Uhu, And it's the same thing, right?

E: Yep.

M: To develop, to grow.

E: To improve yourself.

M: Okay, now let's take a look at our third word, read up.

E: Read up.

M: Read up.

E: Read up.

M: So when you read up on something

E: Well, obviously you read it, right?

M: Right.

E: But you're reading it specifically for some information, so you can know more about the subject.

M: So, it's kind of similar to study, right?

E: Kind of, but really what the idea that you're trying toimprove your knowledge about a particular field.

M: Okay, now for our forth word, unleash potential.

E: Unleash potential.

M: Unleash potential.

E: Unleash potential.

M: Okay, so to unleash.

E: Alright, well, I'm gonna paint a picture for you.

M: Alright.

E: Um, so imagine you have your dog, right?

M: Uhu.

E: And your dog is walking on a leash, like it has a string or rope attached to it.

M: Right.

E: So then when you undo the leash, you unleash the dog and then what happens?

M: It goes around and it's running and

E: Yeah, yeah, yeah, it's going everywhere.

M: Aha.

E: So, if you unleash potential, you release it and let it go and help it

M: Grow and become bigger.

E: Yes, yeah, exactly.

M: So you give it freedom.

E: Aha.

M: So, potential is the capabilities or abilities that the person has, right?

E: Yes.

M: To do something great.

E: Uhu.

M: Okay, unleash potential.

E: This, I think, is an excellent word to use in a job interview. I think it is really descriptive and really powerful.

M: Yeah, it is.

E: Yeah.

M: That's a good word. Ah, okay, so let's take a look at our last one now, resonate with.

E: Resonate with.

M: Resonate with.

E: Resonate with.

M: So, he mentioned, this really resonated with me, so what does he mean by resonated?

E: I guess, he means it connected to him, right?

M: Uhu.

E: It touched him.

M: So, he agrees with this idea or he feels that he can relate to it.

E: Yeah, exactly, you know what, I think this one needs a few examples to really show its meaning.

M: Okay, let's listen.

Voice: Example one.

A: The candidate speech really resonated with the voters.

Voice: Example two.

B: Their music doesn't really resonate with me.

Voice: Example three.

C: Your commitment to fight global warming resonates with me.

M: Alright, so it's clear now to resonate with.

E: Uhu.

M: Right? Okay, so why don't we go and listen to our dialogue for the last time and then we'll come back and give you some great pointers about preparing for a job interview.


M: Okay, so, preparing for a job interview is really important, right?

E: Yes, yep.

M: Um, and we're gonna give you some really basic tips about how you can prepare for a job interview.

E: Yep, I gotta confess something to you, Marco.

M: What?

E: I love job interviews.

M: Really?

E: Yeah. I know it's really weird, most people hate them, but I love them.

M: So you love being the interviewer or going to job interviews.

E: Both.

M: Really?

E: Yeah, I…

M: Ouh.

E: I like everything about them, so I feel like I have a lot of passion to share with you about this.

M: Hehe. Alright, so let's take a look at the first, ahpoint or the first tip, that you can help us out with. So, before you go to a job interview, you should do a little bit of research, right?

E: Right, and that's our first point, um, it's really important to know as much as you can about the company, their history, their product, theirmanagement stylejust as much information as you can find out about how they workand what they do.

M: Aha, and why do you think this is important?

E: Well, basically, um, you'll be asked about it in the interview.

M: Right.

E: And, so if you show that you haven't prepared, you haven't done any research, you show that you don't care.

M: One of the best ways that you can impress in the job interview is to show that you know about the company and

E: Uhu.

M: Important things like you know what kind of products they offer or what's their largest market.

E: Yeah.

M: And I guess, that really impresses the interviewer

E: Yeah.

M: Because it shows that you're interested in this company and that you're really want the job.

E: And that you're willing to do the extra work it takes to prepare yourself.

M: Uhu.

E: Cause I think that'll show the interviewer that later on, when you're working for them you'll do that extra work on the job.

M: Exactly, that's a really good point. So, that's our first point, our first tip, to do some research.

E: Yes.

M: Now, you've done your research, you know everything about the company, what else should you do?

E: Once you've read up on the company, you've gotta spent some time thinking about yourself.

M: Uhu.

E: You've gotta prepare to sell yourself to the company.

M: Okay. So to sell yourself, to really demonstrate them why you're the perfect person for the job.

E: Right, because a lot of people think about why they want to work for the company, right?

M: Uhu.

E: Because they feel like they're aligned with the core values or, um, the message of the company resonates with them.

M: Uhu.

E: But what the interviewer really wants to hear is how you, the interviewee, is going to benefit the company, what're you gonna bring to the company?

M: Right, and this is the most important part is to know what are your skills, right?

E: Yes.

M: And, it's not enough to just say, well, I'm a great leader.

E: Yep.

M: Right? So, if you are a great leader, you should be ready to give an example of how you have demonstrated to be a great leader, right?

E: Yes, alright, so maybe like an example like I'm a really strong leader because in my previous job I'd the best JDpower ratings for employeessatisfaction.

M: Uhu, okay, so you're actually showing with numbers

E: Yes.

M: Or with facts, that you are a great leader.

E: Yeah, so, thethe key thing here, I think, is identify what your strength and skills are, think of specific examples, if you can give numbers and show how you can bring this skill, um, and youryour experiences to the new company.

M: And now, well, you're ready to sell yourself, you've done your research, now you have all of these things in your mind.

E: Uhu.

M: You have to practice.

E: Yes.

M: Right?

E: A m… A much overlooked stage in the preparation.

M: Yeah, a… a lot of people think it through theythey write things down, but don't really practice.

E: Yeah, so I know you have a few tips about how you can practice interviewing effectively.

M: Uhu, okay, well, the first thing that you should do isuse your friends.

E: Yeah.

M: Right?

E: They gotta be good for something.

M: Exactly, and, well, probably your friends are also working at a company

E: Yeah.

M: Maybe they're managers or maybe they've interviewed someone before already, so you can set up a mini interview and have them pretend that they're the interviewer.

E: Uhu.

M: And ask you these questions and you try to answer seriously and I'm sure, that your friends can give you some great feedback, maybe

E: Yeah.

M: What you did right, maybe what you did wrong, um, so, that's a really good way. And another thing is also you can record yourself.

E: Yes.

M: Right?

E: Yeah, um, if you have a video camera or even a web, I mean many people have a webcam like right in you laptop.

M: Uhu.

E: Um, record yourself actually doing the practice interview with your friend.

M: And this is really useful, because you can later see what you recorded

E: Uhu.

M: And detect some of the things that maybe aren't really useful or good, you know, for example, posture is a really important aspect.

E: So, what do mean, posture?

M: So, the way that you you're sitting down in your seat

E: Yep.

M: And how you're expressing yourself with your hands

E: Yep.

M: Some people, you know, they move a lot

E: Uhu.

M: During the inbecause, of course, you're nervous, so

E: Yeah.

M: Maybe they're moving from side to side or playing with their feet or playing with something on the table or moving theirhands in an awkward way, so those are the things that you have to watch out for.

E: Yes. So, itI guess, it's really important to sit up straight and to show that you are powerful inin control.

M: And another really great thing is eye-contact, right?

E: Yeah, yeah, we were talking about this earlier.

M: Uhu, and eyewhy is eye-contact so important?

E: If an interviewee maintains eye-contact with me for like most of the interview, I feel like they have really good people skills.

M: Uhu. In my opinion I would say they have a lot of self-confidence.

E: Yeah, I'd agree.

M: Right?

E: Yeah.

M: Because if a person is looking down or not looking directly at you, it's either of two things, in my opinion

E: Uhu.

M: It's either they're not confident enough with themselves or they're lying to you.

E: Yes.

M: Right?

E: Yeah.

M: So

E: Oror also theyjust they don't have good people skills.

M: Yeah.

E: Yeah, which is a problem inin today's sort of knowledge-based economy.

M: Exactly.

E: Uhu.

M: So, it's really important to maintain eye-contact and one other really important thing related to eye-contact posture

E: Yeah.

M: Is the handshake.

E: Uhu.

M: When you get to the interview it's really really important to give a firm good handshake.

E: So, what qualifies as a firm good handshake?

M: Well, you don't have to prove that you are ultra strong, right? So, you don't have to squeeze the other person's hand really hard.

E: And like break their hand.

M: Exactly.

E: Yeah.

M: It's not like a… strength contest.

E: No.

M: A good firm handshake is squeezing normally, not too tight, not too loose

E: Yeah.

M: But your entire palm, your entire hand has to be in contact with the other person's palm or hand.

E: Yes.

M: Don't give them the fingers, you know, like

E: Yeah.

M: Some people give you only four fingers or a half of their hand.

E: Yeah, I hate that.

M: I hate that too and this goes for men and for women

E: Yeah.

M: Because a lot of women do this.

E: Yep, I call this the 'dead fish' handshake.

M: The deadhehe. It is kind of like a dead fish of the dead hand handshake.

E: Yeah, yeah, I'dI absolutely agree with you on this one, so, nice firm handshake.

M: Yeah, firm handshake and, well, these are our tips for preparing for the interview and everything you have to do before it. I'm sure there're a lot more things out there.

E: Uhu.

M: So, and I'm sure our users have some insight on this as well.

E: Yeah, I'd love to hear it, cause like I told you I love job interviews.

M: Hehe. Yeah, so come to our website at englishpod.com, leave us your comments, maybe you've had a good experience with a job interview or maybe a bad one or maybe even as an interviewer you've interviewed some really interesting people.

E: And you got some great tips to share with us.

M: Exactly, so come to our website, leave you questions, leave your comments, share your experiences with our other users and Erica and I will also be there toto participate in the discussion.

E: Alright, guys, well thanks for listening and until next timegood bye!

M: Bye!