Speak English Clearly! The Imitation Technique


Hello! Welcome to the very first video training lesson for the imitation technique.

Thank you so much for signing up! I know you are going to love this training.

Now, imitating something is similar to copying something.

Usually, imitating is copying actions or words so this technique is all about copying

something that a native speaker is saying, exactly.

It teaches you to listen to the sounds and patterns of English and trains you to make those same

sounds yourself. You're training your mouth with your ears.

So you're listening to the sounds and you're not training your mouth with your eyes by reading and

guessing the pronunciation of words, you are training your mouth with your ears.

By practising with this technique, you'll reduce your accent and pronunciation

problems more quickly and become a clearer and more confident English

speaker. Now, there are three steps that you'll need to remember when you're

using the imitation technique. First, you'll need to listen to me and read the

text at the same time. So when I talk on this video you'll see the words come up

at the bottom of the screen. In the text, the important stress has been marked so

you'll be able to hear the stresses in my expression and read them as well.

Then, it will be your turn! So you're going to hear me read each sentence again but

there will be a pause after each one and this is where you'll need to copy

exactly what I've said.

Listen for my pronunciation,

the stress, the pause, the intonation and then you'll need to copy it exactly.

You can do this step as many times as you need to before you move on to step

number three. Then the bigger challenge is for you to shadow me, which is to copy

everything that I'm saying again but this time you won't have any text on the

screen, you're just listening to the words that I'm saying.

Now it might be a little bit tricky, especially the first time, because you'll be listening to me

and speaking at the same time! So it might take you a few times to get

comfortable doing it. And remember that you might not understand everything

that's being said as I'm saying it, but that's not the point of this training.

We're not testing your understanding of English. We're testing and practising

your pronunciation and speaking skills. So if you don't understand it, don't worry!

But do it again and again and again until the sounds that you are

making sound very similar to the ones that I'm making in the video.

And that's it! The imitation technique is simple yet so effective.

If you practise this technique regularly, soon you'll sound more natural, more confident and more

relaxed when you're speaking English. Let's try it!

I love to travel to different countries, I love meeting new people and tasting

different foods (that's my favorite part!) To date, I think I've visited about twenty-two

different countries but there are so many more places on my list.

Almost every person that I know, who has a decent income, does some sort of travel every year,

usually overseas. to a different country. In my opinion, travelling overseas

and to different countries makes us more accepting of each other's differences

and teaches us respect for different cultures, traditions and beliefs.

It also helps me to tell some pretty interesting stories about my adventures.

I love talking to people about places they've visited and things that they've seen in

the world,. I think it's because I can easily relate to them and it's easy for

me to share my stories and experiences with them. Plus, I love getting

recommendations about places to visit. It helps me to plan where my next holiday

is going to be.

Okay, now for step number two. You're going to imitate exactly what

I say - the pronunciation, the stress, the pause. And there will be a pause after

each sentence that will let you do that. Ready?

I love to travel to different countries

I love meeting new people and tasting different foods

(that's my favorite part!)

To date, I think I have visited about

twenty-two different countries

but there are so many more places on my list.

Almost every person that I know,

who has a decent income,

does some sort of travel every year,

usually overseas, to a different country.

In my opinion, travelling overseas and to different


makes us more accepting of each other's differences

and teaches us

respect for different cultures,

traditions and beliefs.

It also helps me to

tell some pretty interesting stories about my adventures.

I love talking to people about places they've visited

and things that they have seen in the world.

I think it's because I can easily relate to them and

that's easy for me to share my stories

and experiences with them.

Plus, I love getting recommendations about places to visit.

It helps me to plan where my next holiday is going to be.

This is step three, where you're going to shadow exactly what I've said,

as I'm saying it. So you'll be listening to me and speaking at the same time.

Remember, it might take you a couple of goes to get this right but that's OK! Ready?

I love to travel to different countries. I love meeting new people and tasting

different foods (that's my favorite part). To date, I think I've visited about twenty-two

different countries but there are so many more places on my list.

Almost every person that I know, who has a decent income, does some sort of travel every

year, usually overseas to a different country. In my opinion, travelling overseas

and to different countries makes us more accepting of each other's differences

and teaches us respect for different cultures, traditions and beliefs.

It also helps me to tell some pretty interesting stories about my adventures!

I love talking to people about places they've visited and things that they've seen in

the world. I think it's because I can easily relate to them and it's easy for

me to share my stories and experiences with them. Plus, I love getting

recommendations about places to visit. It helps me to plan where my next holiday

is going to be.

So that's it! Tomorrow I'm going to send you a new lesson to practise with!

If you're watching this on YouTube and you haven't signed up on my website yet, you

will need to do that to get the next lesson for tomorrow.

So you need to write your email address on my website www.mmmenglish.com/signup

So, then come and join us! We've got four more lessons to get through.

See you tomorrow!