15 Beautiful English Phrases You Must Include In Your Daily English Conversations


We talk about so many words and so  many phrases in English language,  

but what we forget to talk about is the  most common phrases that we use in daily  

communication every day. And this is what today's  lesson is about. Hi everyone my name is Hridhaan,  

and I welcome each one of you with a very big  heart on Let's Talk. In today's English lesson I  

bring to you 15 of the most interesting English  phrases that I use, yes you heard that right,  

Hridhaan uses in his daily English communication  every day. Let's get started with phrase number 1,  

phrase number 1 that I have for you is 'SELL  LIKE HOT CAKES' everybody knows what is sells,  

something that uh ..something that is out there  ..uh to be transacted uh.. with money you give  

money you get it cakes is a sweet confectionary  sell like hot cake means something that sells  

very fast for example there's uh there's one  brand let's say and it wants to sell one of its  

products and the audience really likes it  and so it is sold like hotcakes for example  

the new model of the Hyundai car is selling  like hotcakes Hyundai has recently launched  

one of its most interesting cars and it  now is selling like hotcakes the audience  

the people in the market really liked the car  and they're actually buying it very quickly  

the next phrase is work against the clock work  against this clock is a very interesting phrase  

that talks about working in hurry to do any  task that you have in a lot of hurry for example  

with half the syllabus left i worked against the  clock to be ready for the exam on Monday that  

means i did not finish the syllabus and there was  half of the syllabus that was left and i worked  

against the clock that means i hurried uh working  towards the completion of the syllabus before the  

exam approaches which is on Monday so this is  work against the clock come on let's now look at  

the next one the next one is left out in the cold  left out in the cold actually means to be ignored  

yes there are so many situations and times in  life when we feel ignored left out in the cold  

is one such phrase that you can use to say please  do not ignore ignore me please do not leave me out  

in the cold for example i felt left out in the  cold when they didn't invite me for the family  

dinner uh because people thought that you were  busy or for any other reason they did not invite  

you and you ended up feeling ignored and so you  say i felt left out in the cold i felt left out  

in the court i felt ignored let's now move to the  next phrase of daily communication and that is  

cut corners this is one situation that a lot  of students struggle with in a lot of adults  

as well at times and that is to save money it  is related to money it means to save money cut  

corners is when you want to save money for example  i'm not eating out much this month as i'm trying  

to get corners on my expenses and it means that  you're somebody who's trying your level best  

to save money by not spending too much of it in  restaurants or Starbucks or cafe coffee day etc  

this was about cut corners to save money let's  now move to the next phrase of daily communication  

jump the gun this is one of the problems of  a lot of people and especially people who are  

always excited about things it means to do  something too soon it means to do something  

uh very quickly and not just by speed actually  before the time is required before before the  

required time for example i jumped the gun  before the teacher finished the question  

and was called and was scolded for that  has it happened to you when the teacher  

is still asking a question and you end  up answering the question well sometimes  

a frustrated teacher might as well get a little  bit more irritated on that and the teacher might  

as well end up scolding you so make sure that you  do not jump the gun that means to do something  

before it is required that is to jump the gun  the next phrase is move heaven and and earth this  

is one of my most favourite phrases that we have  here it means to make a lot of efforts for example  

have you done something recently and moved  heaven and earth with a lot of effort have you  

done something with a lot of effort that means  you have moved heaven and earth for example i  

move heaven and earth to finish my project before  Sunday let's now move to the next one and that is  

cry for the moon well i just want to ask you one  very important question imagine if you cry for the  

moon can your parents still get it for you well  that's what it means to cry for something which  

is impossible to get for example make demands that  can't be fulfilled is what it means example time  

you want a Bentley on your birthday you're  crying on for the moon so here it is birthday  

let's write it for you so you're crying forBentley on your birthday and Bentley's worth oh  

my god very very expensive can you get it well you  possibly can but possibly your parents are saying  

not in the present moment because you're a kid and  we can't get it for you so you are crying for the  

moon have you recently cried for a moon that means  you demanded something that was impossible to get  

please do let me know in the comment section  below the next phrase that we have is under  

your nose imagine if something happens under your  nose what is that something that happens right  

in front of you but can you see what is there  can you see the upper lip only if you actually  

take your lip up but you really can't see it  that's what it means to to witness something  

happening right in front of you but uh you do  but you didn't realise that it actually happened  

for example do something openly although unnoticed  either you do it or something happens to you  

for example my phone was stolen from right  under my nose that means uh my phone was on  

the table i was at the restaurant imagine and  it was actually stolen right under my nose i  

did not even notice it and it just got stolen so  something that happens right in front of you but  

you can't notice it that is right under the nose  save your skin what is save your skin it means  

save yourself without thinking of what happens  to other others quite a selfish way of speaking  

for example the students were in dire need ofgood teacher to help them finish the syllabus on  

time to save their skin that means there was a lot  of syllabus left and one of the teachers just left  

the school for some personal commitments and the  students were in dire need what is the meaning of  

dire need extremely urgent extremely urgent need  of a new teacher to save their skins uh skin for  

example if the if there's no one to complete the  syllabus what will happen they will lose out on  

the exam or marks or possibly can as well fail  the exam so it is save their skin that means to  

protect themselves from any harm and the harm in  the situation is basically failing the exam this  

was about save your skin the next phrase that we  have is no strings attached nsa no no no this is  

not what you are thinking it has a very specific  meaning it means free of conditions that means  

there are no conditions to it and you can use  it in any context possible for example it means  

one of the sentences that we can use this in  is i wanted a lot of money from my parents  

for the concert with no strings attached a lot of  times when parents lend money to their children  

they have conditions to it for example they say  no money after this after this after this much  

for the rest of the month so that is  one of the conditions so the person  

this child is saying that i want money from  my parents with no strings attached for the  

concert that is coming up let's say Justin  Bieber's or ED Sheeran's or Taylor swift's and  

that's got to be no strings attached that means  there there's got to be no condition to that  

this was about NSA- no strings attached. Let's  now move to the next one set in stone something  

that is set in stone is very difficult to change  for example the schedule isn't set in stone that  

means uh the schedule that is the timetable for  something that there is is not set in stone is  

not con is not something that very difficult  to change it's not something that you can  

not change but we'd like to stick to it closely  have there been plans in your life that are set  

in stone such as your flight to New York it is  set in stone unless um you know it's a refundable  

flight and you'd like to change it so something  that co that that can't be changed something that  

is set in stone is can't be changed so something  that has happened into your life which can't be  

changed a plan or a schedule or a decision etc  let's now move to the next one and that is a go  

on record it is not record it is record go  on record means say something publicly and  

officially for example the teacher went on record  to say that she was seeing a student from college  

so something uh is really naughty that is  happening here there's there's a teacher  

let's say in college uh she went on record  she said something publicly and she confessed  

that she was actually seeing a student and the  student could possibly of the same age as well  

who knows let's say a phd student for that matter  so something that you say publicly something that  

goes on record is to say something publicly  so that was all about go on record let us  

now move to the next one the next one is test  waters very interesting phrase and it means  

to check the reaction of people for something  not launched yet basically not just launched  

anything that you want to check people's reaction  on for example you better test the waters before  

you fully commit to that plan imagine that you  actually have to give your commitment for a new  

job that one of your friends has come up with for  you and offer so you're actually testing water too  

you bet you better test the water before you  finally commit uh you basically are trying to  

understand if you actually end up doing that  job how um how will that uh how will that  

help you or treat you in terms of your family  your personal other commitments that you have  

etc the next one in the list is bat the wrong  horse back the wrong horse means to support the  

wrong person or decision for example in all his  years as a student he really backed the wrong  

horse that means for the entire year that he for  the entire year or duration that i was a student i  

never backed or supported a wrong decision  or did anything wrong or that was unjustified  

this was back the wrong horse let's now move to  the next one the next one is bell the cat this is  

the last one in the list that we have and it means  to do a risky task there's a cat when you build a  

cat it can be a dangerous cat as well and when you  bell it might as well bite you so make sure that  

that you do it carefully for example who's going  to belt the cat and tell mom we racked a car what  

is wreck the car it means to destroy it bummed  it into something and you broke the door that is  

to wreck the car so who is going to tell mom who  is going to do this dangerous job of telling the  

mom of telling mom that the car is wrecked this  was all about all the phrases that i have that  

i personally use in my daily life when it comes  to daily communication please use these phrases  

and help yourself get better at communication  thank you very much and have a great day ahead!